Exclusion of suction cups for marble

The small size of unexpected loads will no longer be a problem thanks to the exclusion technology of the suction cups for marble.

Unforeseen events and processing changes are known during the handling of marble, stone and granite. It often happens that we have to lift loads of different sizes and weights, sometimes lower than what was estimated in the design phase.

This is why Righetti Solutions has equipped its lifters with a practical and simple technology for excluding the suction cups for marble: the operator can choose independently whether to open or close the taps positioned directly on the machine body and connected to the individual suction cups. In this way, it will be able to exclude the suction cups chosen from suction, leaving the others in operation.

This simple mechanism allows you to choose which plates to use if you have to lift loads of smaller dimensions than the lift purchased, and to re-enter the footprint area of ​​the suction cup.

It is particularly suitable for 3-plate vacuum lifters for marble, stone and granite: the technology of exclusion of the suction cups for marble avoids the dispersion of the unused vacuum and which, finding no support on which to place the suction cup, would trigger the alarm. safety. In this way, however, the machine will adapt to even smaller loads, allowing the operator to use a single suction cup lifter.

Exclusion of the suction plates reduces the capacity of the suction cup lifter.

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