The importance of removable batteries

When talking about battery powered vacuum lifters to handle materials on construction sites, two scenarios are most likely to happen.

The first case may occur in situations of emergency, tight deadlines or intense work, when companies need to spend several hours on a construction site. This requires the ability to continue using machinery for longer periods than usual working hours.
In the second scenario, you might have forgotten to recharge the vacuum lifter, so batteries are not charged enough for completing the work.


How can Righetti’s vacuum lifters solve those problems?

Righetti, being aware of the real needs of companies and of the difficulties that can be encountered on the construction site, designs its suction lifters for construction sites not only with high-capacity batteries, but also with easily removable and rechargeable batteries.
In addition, Righetti Sollevamenti includes in the standard accessories for battery powered suction lifts a high capacity spare set and an external battery charger.

What does this mean? It means that when the batteries run out, which is promptly signalled by the visual LEDs and acoustic warning, the operator can take them out in seconds and replace them with the spare set supplied. Thanks to the quick and safe replacement of the batteries, you can continue to use the suction lift without interrupting the work, while the exhausted batteries can be recharged externally via the 220V charger.


What are the advantages of having two removable battery kits instead of one larger battery?

  • Reduced weight of the vacuum lifter
  • Possibility to recharge the batteries both externally and through the lifter
  • Possibility to work continuously from morning to evening


The situation described above occurred to one of our partners in Bergamo, who was faced with the real need to move insulated panels for many hours in order to complete a cladding job within the scheduled timeframe. By relying on Righetti’s suction cup technology, our partner was able to work non-stop from morning to evening, thus managing to finish the coating of the warehouse efficiently and quickly, while meeting the customer’s deadlines and expectations.


  • Lifting capacity 400 kg
  • Battery operating system
  • Modular frame
  • Vacuum Lifter for lifting and installation of wall and roof panels

VB4 RCMBM 400 kg

  • Capacity 400 kg
  • Battery powered
  • Manual 0 - 90° tilt system
  • Manual 360° continuous rotation
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