Lifting Magnet vs Vacuum Lifters

The first difference regards the type of materials you can lift.

The vacuum lifters can handle almost every kind of material, among metal, stainless steel, copper and all the other non-ferrous metal; instead magnetic lifters, for their specific peculiarity, can’t handle stainless steel, aluminum, copper and non-ferrous metals.
This means that magnetic lifters could just lift the 50% of the metal sheets on the market.


The second difference concerns the grip on the materials.

The vacuum lifting equipment for sheet metal properly works on metal sheets and permits to lift one sheet at a time. The suction cups perfectly adhere to the surface and are able to lift the metal sheet, without lifting also the sheets that are below, guaranteeing a safe hold. The magnetic lifter, instead, works with the magnetic principle, by creating a magnetic field which not necessarily stops on the surface touched, but it can affect everything around it. This often causes complications on lifting, because cause the magnetic field, it could lift more sheets at the same time, making your work uncomfortable.


Let’s talk about the safety factor, one of the most important aspects to consider when a vacuum lifter has to be projected.

The magnetic lifter works with electricity, so it is based on a permanent power source. This can be a big limit on his reliability: in the case of a lack of electric power, the magnet would lose its strength, and it wouldn’t be able to keep the metal sheet lifted, becoming dangerous for the operator as well as for the material.

The vacuum lifters are equipped with a vacuum tank and with vacuum circuit that guarantees the aspiration with the suction pads: in this way, in case of malfunctions, or in case of a lack of electric power, the sheet metal stays sucked and safe. This vacuum tank, typical of the vacuum lifters, is not available in magnetic lifters.

Furthermore, the vacuum lifters offer a wider range of operating solutions: they can be powered by different sources and not only by electricity, like compressed air or rechargeable batteries, adding more possibilities of use and making easier the connection with the vacuum lifter.


The last point, but not less important, regards the stability of materials:

The magnetic lifters usually have only one point of anchoring, which implies a very hard managing of long and out of standards materials. The vacuum lifters are built with frames and structures which allow the presence of different suction pads, based on weight and dimension of the metal sheet to be lifted. Stability and safety are guaranteed.

So let’s shortly summarize the differences between magnetic and vacuum lifters for metal sheets:
Movable materials: stainless steel, copper and non-ferrous can be lifted by a vacuum lifter, but not by a magnetic one.
Type of gripe: the vacuum lifters can move sheet metal one at a time, the magnets eventually could lift more than one sheet at the same time, that can cause operative complications.
Safety: the sheet metal vacuum lifters can offer also different solutions of operating system from electricity as for example compressed air or batteries, so they can guarantee a safer work, instead the magnet could be very risky in case of a lack of electric power. The additional advantage about safety, is the vacuum reserve which guarantees that the load doesn’t fall down in case of interruption of power.
Frames: the vacuum lifter has structures with more suction pads, which guarantee more stability of the load, getting the job easier; while the magnet only has usually only one head, which complicates the way of moving materials.

F6B 1000

  • Lifting capacity 1000 kg
  • Battery operating system
  • 6 suction pads d.310 mm
  • Frame from L 1500 to 4000 mm

F8A 1500

  • Lifting capacity 1500 kg
  • Compressed air operating system
  • 8 piastre d.310 mm
  • Frame from L 3000 to 4000 mm

FS6EB 500

  • Lifting capacity 500 kg
  • Electric operating system
  • 6 suction pads d.200 mm
  • Lower below-the-hook

FT10EB 2000

  • Capacity 2000kg
  • Electric operating system
  • 10 vacuum pads d. 310mm
  • Telescopic frame
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